c0mmunicati0n is the activity 0f c0nveying inf0rmati0n. c0mmunicati0n has been delivered fr0m the Latin w0rd "c0mmunis", meaning t0 share. c0mmunicati0n requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, alth0ugh the receiver need n0t be present 0r aware 0f the sender's intent t0 c0mmunicate at the time 0f c0mmunicati0n.; thus c0mmunicati0n can 0ccur acr0ss vast distances in time and space. c0mmunicati0n requires that the c0mmunicating parties share an area 0f c0mmunicative c0mm0nality. the c0mmunicati0n pr0cess is c0mplete 0nce the receiver has underst0od the message 0f the sender. feedback is critical t0 effective c0mmunicati0n between parties.
** c0mmunicati0n is imparting, c0nveying 0r exchange 0f th0ughts messages, ideas, kn0wledge 0r inf0rmati0n by sign and s0und like speech, signals, writing 0r behavi0r.
what is TELEc0mmunicati0n?
(tele = far 0ff)
telec0mmunicati0ns refers t0 the transfer 0f data (c0mmunicati0n) fr0m a transmitter t0 receiver acr0ss a distance.
** data / c0de represented by s0me fr0m 0f electr0magnatic energy (electricity, radi0 waves, lights) transmitted thr0ugh medium (wire, cable, atm0sphere).
Telec0mmunicati0n is a general term f0r a vast array 0f techn0l0gies that send inf0rmati0n 0ver distances. m0bile ph0nes, land lines, satellite ph0nes and v0ice 0ver internel pr0t0c0l (VoIP) are all teleph0ny techn0l0gies -- just 0ne field 0f telec0mmunicati0ns. radi0, televisi0n and netw0rks are a few m0re examples 0f telec0mmunicati0n.
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