Thursday 8 March 2012

Week 2 : telec0mmunicati0n and netw0rking (web searching)

0n this week, we are learned about web browser, search t0ols and searching technique.

Web br0wser is the s0ftware applicati0n that interact with text, image and 0ther inf0rmati0n typically l0cated 0n a web page at a website 0n the w0rld wide web (WWW) 0r a l0cal area netw0rk. There are many types 0f web br0wser such as yah0o, g0ogle chr0me, m0zilla firef0x, 0pera and Netscape. N0w a day, the fam0us web br0wser that pe0ple used is g0ogle chr0me. In my 0pini0n, g0ogle chr0me are quite fam0us because it was had l0t 0f inf0rmati0n when the user l0oked up ab0ut s0mething by using a keyw0rd. F0r example, the users just search ab0ut telec0mmunicati0n and netw0rking. When they click the butt0n “search”, all things ab0ut telec0mmunicati0n and netw0rking were appear. An0ther that, g0ogle chr0me give us s0me kind 0f advantages such as it was fast f0r l0oking the inf0rmati0n.

Searching t0ols are include by search engines, subject direct0ries, name direct0ries, meta-searchers and s0 0n.

1. web search engine is designs t0 search f0r inf0rmati0n 0n the W0rld Wide Web and PTF servers. The search results are generally presented in a list 0f results 0ften referred t0 as SERPS, 0r “search engine results pages”. The inf0rmati0n may c0nsist 0f web pages, images, inf0rmati0n and 0ther types 0f files. An0ther search t0ols is web drect0ry. A web direct0ry 0r link direct0ry is a direct0ry 0n the W0rld Wide Web. It specializes in linking t0 0ther web sites and categ0rizing th0se links. A web direct0ry is n0t a search engine and d0es n0t display lists 0f web pages based 0n keyw0rds; instead, it lists web sites by cater0ry and subcateg0ry. Subject direct0ries is like a URL. F0r example is www.telec0mmunicati0n.c0m. But name 0f direct0ries is a pr0vide by http://. F0r example is “”.

2. what is meta-search? Meta-search is instead 0f getting results fr0m 0ne search engine, y0u will be getting the best c0mbined results fr0m a variety 0f engines, and n0t just any engines, but industry leading engines like G0ogle, Yah0o!, search, and Bing, as well as auth0ruty sites K0smix and Fandang0.

3. a l0cal search als0 0ne 0f the search t0ols. A l0cal search f0rms part 0f the c0nveyancing pr0cess and is carried 0ut t0 ascertain if there are any matters affecting a specific pr0perty 0r piece 0f land, such as any restricti0ns which a pr0spective purchaser w0uld want t0 kn0w ab0ut bef0re they decide t0 g0 ahead with a purchase. A l0cal search will generally c0nsist 0f b0th a search in the statut0ry register and 0ther specific inf0rmati0n ab0ut the pr0perty.

4. deskt0p search is the name f0r the field 0f search t0ols which search the c0ntents 0f a user’s 0wn c0mputer files, rather than searching the Internet. These t0ols are designed t0 find inf0rmati0n 0n the user’s PC, including web br0wser hist0ries, e-mail archives, text d0cuments, s0und files, image and vide0.

5. g0ogle search 0r G0ogle Web Search is a web search engine 0wned by G0ogle Inc. g0ogle search is the m0st-used search engine 0n the W0rld Wide Web, receiving several hundres milli0n queriws each day thr0ugh its vari0us services. g0ogle search c0nsists 0f a series 0f l0calized websites. the largest 0f th0se, the g0ogle.c0m site, is the t0p m0st-visited website in the w0rld. s0me 0f its features include a definiti0n link f0r m0st searches including direct0ry w0rds, the number 0f results y0u g0t 0n y0ur search, links t0 0ther searches and many m0re.

6. b0olean is the l0gic that c0mputers use t0 determine if a statement is true 0r false. There are 4 main b0olean 0perat0rs : AND,NOT, OR, and XOR. There are the example 0f h0w the 4 0perat0rs w0rk:

x AND y returns True if b0th x and y are true, 0therwise the expressi0n returns False.

NOT x returns True if x is false (0r null) and False if x is true.

x OR y returns True if either x 0r y 0r b0th are true; 0nly if they are b0th false will it return False.

x OR y returns True if either x 0r y are true, but n0t b0th. if x and y are b0th true and false, the statement will return False.

7. multitasking is a meth0d where multiple tasks, als0 kn0wn as pr0cesses, share c0mm0n pr0cessing res0urces such as CPU. In the case 0f a c0mputer with a single CPU, 0nly 0ne task is said t0 be running at any p0int in time, meaning that the CPU is actively executing instructi0ns f0r that task. Multitasking s0lves the pr0blem by scheduling which task may be the 0ne running at any time given, and when an0ther waiting task gets a turn.

8. plug-in is a set 0f s0ftware c0mp0nents that adds specific abilities t0 a larger s0ftware applicati0n. If supp0rted, plug-ins are c0mm0nly used in web br0wsers t0 play vide0,scan f0r viruses, and display new file types. Well-kn0wn plug-ins examples include Ad0be Flash Player, Quick Time, and Micr0s0ft Silverlight.

9. unif0rm res0urce l0cat0r 0r universal res0urce l0cat0r (URL) is a specific character string that c0nstitutes a reference t0 an internet res0uce. A URL is technically a type 0f unif0rm res0urce identifier (URI) but in many technical d0cuments and verbal discussi0ns URL is 0ften used as a syn0nym f0r URI.

10. clear hist0ry is free and p0werfull wind0ws dekt0p applicati0n t0 clean search hist0ry f0rm y0ur c0mputer. it is full reatured pr0gram that greatly surpasses m0st c0mmercial pr0grams 0ut there.

What does it clear :

  • Clear search history (browser history)
  • Clear typed URL-s (website address)
  • Clear location bar history ( option to exclude URL-s from clearing)
  • Clear cache (temporary internet files)
  • Clear cookies (with option to exclude some cookies from deleting)
  • Clear autocomplete forms and passwords
  • Clear index.dat files
  • Delete recent documents (in Windows)
  • Delete run history
  • Delete find computers history
  • Delete Windows temporary files
  • Delete Recycle Bin without recovery (shred it after deleting)
  • Clear clipboard (memory space reserved for copy/paste operations)
  • Clear Windows Open/Save dialog history
  • Clear tracks from Ms Office, Word, Excel, Access, Power Point and Front Page
  • Clear tracks from WinZip, WinRar, Windows Media Player, Wordpad, Media Player Classic
"clear hist0ry" is made to help users protect their privacy. Although the author did his best to make this application safe an reliable as possible he can not be held responsible by any potential damage caused by using Clear History software. We hope you will find this software useful, we would appreciate if you link to this web site.

1 comment:

  1. hijauuuu.....tenang jeee...come n visit my blog k,...:)
